Saturday, 15 December 2012

Hello, I am writing this article in response to a number of comments I have read on the internet, people have commented that Ghosts and the Paranormal do not exist, I believe some people who are so into the Darwinian theory that they refuse to believe in the paranormal.

There is no evidence to support the Existence of Ghosts or Spirits, but although I don't have evidence that supports the existence of ghosts and spirits,I believe much the same as those people who believe in the existence of God, I have faith.
There are unexplained and I mean truly unexplained pictures and video footage of what are paranormal events, For example the existence of Ghosts in Photographs, these are dismissed by certain people as Pareidolia, or a trick of the light,but not everything can be explained this easily.

I have seen video footage on the internet that is so obviously fake, and set up just for fun,but equally I have seen footage that really demanded proper investigation, after all we are talking about human mortality, it should not be this easy to dismiss as fake.
Yes it is true that science knows a lot about the human body, and I concede that this is true, but what does science know about the soul, Nothing.

The Church wants to save our souls, and has done for centuries, but good people die all of the time, innocent children, and just nice people who don't smoke and don't drink die of cancer.
How does the Church answer this, it was Gods will! Sorry this is not to say that the church is bad, no! The Church is good. The bible teaches humanity to live together, but sadly its teaching is now less recognized than ever and nobody now wants to know, other than some small congregations that attend church religiously.

For a long time now the Church and Science have been moving apart, but there is a place for both of them. It seems that the dogma between them means that they can not coexist other than to compete with each other. Science and the church are like enemies, but just imagine, science and the Church coming together and supporting each other and bringing evidence that supports or outright denies the existence of Ghosts and Spirits, we might be closer to the question of life. What is it all about? why are we here, Scary.

In my opinion there is strength in the belief of the human spirit, and science has its part to play in our survival and existence, so why when both are so compelling do humans insist on dismissing the unknown when everything tells them to investigate, and get to the bottom of this phenomenon.
